

Waste management begins in the planning stage. A comprehensive waste concept sets the course for a clean, low-waste sports event. During the event, careful control of waste sorting is essential.



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Measures Relevance Responsible Check
Appoint an accountable contact person. Very important Organizer
Confirm that contact details provided in the safety concept - including phone numbers - are up to date Important Organizer
Waste disposal company
Include tips for waste prevention and waste sorting in event documents and publications and on the event website. Important Organizer
Take the location and season into account when planning the event so as to minimize the inconvenience to local residents Important Organizer
Technical expert
Sports association
Define guiding principles and goals. Very important Organizer
Waste disposal company
Develop an overall waste management concept. Very important Organizer
Waste disposal company
Train your staff and other stakeholders on the waste concept. Important Organizer
Waste disposal company
When making calls for tenders and contracts, define specifications and measures in a binding manner. Important Organizer
Record and document total quantities of waste. Important Organizer
Waste disposal company
Troubleshoot by identifying and removing any remaining shortcomings. Important Organizer
Waste disposal company
  • Law Law
  • Very important Very important
  • Important Important
Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund
Ressort Breitensport, Sporträume

Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Frau Inge Egli

Phone: +49 (0)69 6700 278

Frau Bianca Quardokus

Phone: +49 (0)69 6700 283